standardised ghillie camouflage patterns
On this page you can learn about our main standardised camouflage patterns. The main patterns are listed in order of versatility and all-year-round adaptability (Patterns n.10, n.7, n.2). Then 2 patterns only designed for military use (Pattern n.18 and Pattern n.19), 2 patterns for grassy environment (Pattern n.1, Arid and Pattern n.3, Greenzone) and 2 patterns for deciduous areas (Pattern n.9, BDW and Pattern n.15, Realtree Xtra) are displayed.The last 2 patterns are tailored to specific uses: Pattern n.6/n.8, Snow (alpine use) and Pattern n.17, Lagoon (amphibious use). Yes, the color code is LGBTQ$#&**~ but gives you a quick idea of what to look for here on this page.
How to choose your Ghillie Pattern
We provide the worldwide mapping of climates and biomes for each of our standardised patterns. So, check the area you need to operate in and find the right pattern for it using the color code reference below the pattern's image. The climates and biomes map is shown in each pattern image and in greater detail below, after the pattern section. Keep in mind that the Koppen and Geiger climate classification is a general reference, so make sure to check if the pattern visually matches the area of use. If you have any doubts, send us an email for a free consultation, providing pictures along with seasonal features and intended use.
Multispectral camouflage (UV - VIS - NIR - SWIR - MWIR - LWIR)
All of our Patterns have excellent visual and IR effectiveness. For further information you can check the Test section of the website, where you'll find a 2-hour IR NVG effectiveness video report. Our 3D standardised pattern do not directly provide thermal camouflage, but they enhance thermal camouflage when added to specifically designed thermal camouflage (like our RECONDOR, PRAEDATOR, OCCULTOR and RIMATOR suits) and thermal camouflage by other producers (our Ghillies made in with our 3D patterns are designed to do not affect multispectral effectiveness).
Jute and Raffia based patterns provide a reduction of human thermal signature at certain specific conditions like temperature ranges between 25 and 45 degrees Celsius, both at day and night (take a look at our test section for more info about thermal signature disruption). Within these conditions our standard Ghillie Suits can provide effective multispectral concealment without specifically designed thermal camouflage.Specific thermal camouflage is provided by our Thermal IR Ghillie Suit, which can be garnished with any Ghillie Pattern. The visual effectiveness is shown here in this section for each pattern sub-section as well as on our YouTube channel [go to playlist].
Further info about our Patterns
Consider that all our Ghillies have been tested in outdoor environments. To determine the camouflaging capabilities of each individual colour shade and material, we studied how they blended and interacted with the surroundings. In a second instance, each standard pattern has then been tested in a variety of environments in order to evaluate its versatility and to achieve the highest possible degree of adaptivity, regardless of the specific environment the pattern was designed for.
Disclaimer: keep in mind that our patterns are crafted to blend in the designed environment as baseline effective camouflage. Therefore, even in case it's not possible for you to apply vegetation or natural elements on the spot, the Ghillie will perform effectively. However, the use of local vegetation and natural elements (dust, sand, mud, snow) must be considered in order to maximise the camouflage effectiveness of our Ghillie Suits.

Pattern n.10
MULTI-BIOME (MT-27 Multiland-Transition)
Pattern n.10 is a versatile and highly adaptable jute-based pattern. It is essentially a Multiland pattern featuring the mid-range brown of Pattern n.7, making it the intermediate option between Pattern n.2, Multiland (light) and Pattern n.7, Mountain Transition (dark). Pattern n.10 Multi-Biome is composed of the three universal colours of natural camouflage: tan, mid-range brown and olive green. It's designed for habitat transitions and for adaptability to several environments and seasons, making it a reliable, versatile choice for temperate environments. A full rafia version is available on demand.

Pattern n.7
Versatile and adaptable jute-based pattern developed specifically for a mountain environment, whether it be woods or ridgetops. This pattern accounts for habitat transitions during hunting and wildlife-monitoring expeditions. It is highly versatile and effective at different latitudes. The baseline is most effective in the woods and on high-altitude mountain ridges approximately 2000 meters above sea level. It can be integrated with any of our camouflage fibres.

Pattern n.2
This highly versatile pattern is suited for several environment types, from arid fields to wooded and mountainous areas, and adapts well to every season. In rich green surroundings, achieving a good degree of concealment will require the addition of a fair amount of mud or vegetation, particularly in the Northern hemisphere, where the baseline is most exposed. Multiland is best suited for temperate and arid environments. It is based on jute and rafia but a full rafia version is available on demand.

Pattern n.19
Pattern n.19 LATENS is a lightweight, highly breathable and waterproof VIS-NIR Ghillie developed primarily for military use. It is based on a polyester alloy which guarantees 3D effect and greater resistance to weather elements. It can interact with other individual camouflage from other producers enhancing their effectiveness in the VIS, NIR and TIR spectrum. In the same way it can be combined with our thermal camouflage and with thermal camouflage from other companies without affecting the mechanisms of action and adding 3D multispectral component while enabling to securely add vegetation to the system.

Pattern n.18
Pattern n.18 BELLICUS is our version of th Crye Assault Ghillie with an improved concept of versatility and durability. Pattern n.18 is a lightweight, highly breathable and waterproof VIS-NIR Ghillie developed primarily for military use. It is based on a polyester alloy which guarantees 3D effect and greater resistance to weather elements. It can be combined with our thermal camouflage and with thermal camouflage from other companies without affecting the mechanisms of action and adding 3D multispectral component while enabling to securely add vegetation to the system.

Pattern n.3
GREENZONE (PenCott inspired)
Inspired by the PenCott Camouflage GreenZone pattern, we developed the Greenzone for green areas such as mountain fir woods, meadows, northern forests and mountain ridges in summertime. It can be integrated with any of our camouflage fibres. Despite the intense green colouring, it adapts well to broad-leaved woods and to the autumn season. Pattern n.3 is made using only rafia in order to blend effectively in lush grassy regions. In tropical and fully humid hot environments, it finds the right placement thanks to the high breathability provided by rafia on ProAto Ghillie bases. In addition, rafia is highly lightweight and retains less water than jute, cotton and other synthetic fabrics, therefore it is suitable to being used in tropical biomes.

Pattern n.1
Pattern n.1, Arid is a base pattern for arid and dry environments. The first version was developed with natural jute and shades of reddish sisal with addition of brown rafia. In a second instance, we came up with the rafia version, which is lighter and more breathable. This version is more suitable for hot areas and seasons. As pattern n.3, the Ghillie is made in rafia, so it is highly breathable and does not retain water unlike many other materials and fabrics, therefore the use in hot and/or wet and rainy enrvinment is suggested (for example, dry and cold autumns in continental climates or arid deserts in the Middle-East).

Pattern n.9
Although specifically designed for broad-leaved woodlands in the spring and summer months, the baseline also works extremely well during winter, thanks to the ivy and oak shades of WIRC fabric. Pattern n.9 is a fully waterproof and breathable leafsuit, NIR-compliant under both active and passive IR systems. It's particurlarly lightweight: the Ghillie suit in the photo weighs 650gr. A further advantage is its reduced propensity to getting caught in bushes and vegetation compared to cotton and mesh fabric, and its permanent 3D depth effect.

Pattern n.17
Developed specifically for amphibious use. the Pattern n.17, Lagoon is a fully waterproof and fully breathable multispectral IR Ghillie Suit designed for underwater and transitional operations where staying dry is required. This pattern offers a proper baseline camouflage both for woods and mountain environments and for marine and lagoon areas. With this pattern, special forces operators can transit rapidily across environments, still maintaining shape disruption and the effectiveness of a Ghillie Suit. It is extremely lightweight (700gr Stalking-Hood + back extension) and offers good reduction of thermal signature.
Pattern n.15
Developed specifically for broad-leaved woods, particularly during the autumn and winter seasons. It's made of strips of Realtree Xtra waterproof fabric, with added wide strands of raffia that perfectly reproduce the typical mid-range colour of autumn foliage. Realtree is popular with deer and turkey hunters for its waterproof properties and stronger odor-resistance compared to jute or raffia.

Pattern n.6 and n.8
These are patterns developed specifically for snowy, Alpine and Arctic regions. They are fully waterproof and breathable and do not feature neither jute or raffia, as these fibers tend to dampen and freeze in icy temperatures, increasing the Ghillie suit's weight. Even so, Pattern n.6 and Pattern n.8 can be integrated with any of our camouflage fibres. Pattern n.8 Two-colours Snow is a variation with added green ProApto WIRC fabric, in order to blend in patchy snowy areas and snowy woods. These Ghillie patterns disrupt the human silhouette on white backdrops and snowy ridges.

camouflage materials
We developed the largest choice of camouflage materials for Ghillie Suits. The materials are displayed above, you can find the descriptions down below:
JUTE: extremely lightweight. Compared to other fibres, such as cotton, jute can greatly increase the volume of a ghillie without significantly increasing its weight. It's ideal for disrupting the outline of the head and reducing the distance between the neck and shoulders. In addition, jute is entirely silent, producing no sound in motion, which makes it a good choice for hunting, wildlife photography and military uses. It's a versatile fibre, the intermediate step between fine threads and wider strips. Jute provide also great screen against thermal scanners increasing the overall camouflage effectiveness of the users. If immerged in water jute ratain water, however during rain exposure drops tends to flow on jute fibers without penetrating it.
RAFFIA: Raffia resembles grass and works in several environments due its natural appearance. We employ several different shades of ecologically-dyed eco raffia. Ghillie suits made entirely of raffia are lighter and more breathable than jute ghillies. Raffia works better than jute in grassy environments, but it's less versatile than jute outside of them. The drawback of raffia is that it produces a low rustling sound: as such, it requires the wearer to be careful in their sudden movements while approaching wildlife. Raffia retains by far less water than jute, cotton and nylon.
SISAL: a plant fiber produced from hemp. We use red sisal in our ghillies to reproduce the colour of dry leaves, autumn grass and the vegetation of desert areas. Sisal is reasonably versatile and works in several environments, due to its capacity to reflect the light the same way as natural vegetation does. It blends into its surroundings very effectively. ProApto sisal is also available in a tan brown shade reproducing the colour of dead grass and wildflowers. It is totally silent.
WIDE RAFFIA: our wide raffia is made from eco raffia fibres, designed to simulate dry autumn foliage and arid land vegetation. It is broader than raffia and produces the same low rustling sound. However, this can be minimized through careful movements. Wide Raffia may impact your ghillie suit's versatility, restricting its camouflage effectiveness to specific areas characterised by broad dry leaves.
W-IR-C FABRIC: Waterproof - InfraRed - Camouflage (WIRC) fabric is a light fabric (190 gr per sqm) we developed for our leaf-suits. It's waterproof, breathable (thanks to the net base) and lightweight. WIRC's sturdy texture makes it fairly abrasion-resistant and allows it to maintain its 3D depth at all times, even when wet or compressed. Unlike mesh and cotton fabrics, WIRC doesn't get caught in vegetation. It reflects infrared light the same way as natural vegetation, under both passive and active sensors. WIRC comes in 6 colours (ivy, oak, olive green, brown, cold white, warm white).
CAMOUFLAGE MESH: ProApto Camouflage Mesh is a thin layer of mesh that, properly cut and crafted, can emulate the broad foliage of deciduous forests. This nylon-based mesh is made of the same material used for our Stalking Veil. It is highly breathable and almost as effective under Infra-Red lighting as our Jute, Raffia Grass and wide Raffia strips. Similar to our leaf-suit, the Camouflage Mesh ghillie suit is specifically intended for deciduous forests and does not allow for transitions across multiple environments and terrains. It's only effective in areas characterised by broad leaves.